Our deep cleaning services go beyond the surface to ensure every nook and cranny of your home is sparkling clean. From baseboards to ceiling fans, we'll leave your home looking and feeling fresh.
Planning a move can be stressful, but our move out cleaning services can help make the process a little easier. Let us take care of the cleaning so you can focus on settling into your new home.
Maintaining a clean home is important for your family's health and well-being. Our regular cleaning services can help you stay on top of household chores so you can enjoy more quality time with your loved ones.
Dirty windows can make your home look dingy and uninviting. Let our professional team give your windows a streak-free shine that will brighten up your home.
Our carpet cleaning services will remove dirt, stains, and allergens to give your carpets a fresh, clean look. Say goodbye to musty odors and hello to soft, clean carpets.
Clutter getting you down? Our organization services can help you declutter and organize your home so you can find peace and tranquility in your living space.
Let us take the hassle out of laundry day with our professional laundry services. We'll wash, dry, fold, and put away your clothes so you can spend your time on more important things.
Our green cleaning services use environmentally friendly products that are safe for your family and the planet. Enjoy a clean home without harmful chemicals.
We love pets as much as you do, which is why our pet-friendly cleaning services are designed to be safe for your furry friends. Say goodbye to pet odors and fur with our specialized cleaning techniques.
The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it can also be a magnet for dirt and grease. Let our professional team tackle the mess so you can enjoy cooking and dining in a clean, fresh kitchen.
Whether you're moving in or moving out, our move in/out cleaning services will leave your home spotless and ready for its next chapter. Leave the cleaning to us so you can focus on settling into your new space.
Construction projects can leave behind a mess of dust and debris. Our post construction cleaning services will get your home looking brand new again so you can enjoy the results of your renovation.
Owning a vacation rental property comes with its own set of challenges, but cleaning shouldn't be one of them. Our vacation rental cleaning services will ensure your property is always guest-ready.
A clean office is essential for productivity and employee morale. Our office cleaning services will keep your workspace looking professional and inviting for employees and clients alike.
From sofas to chairs, our upholstery cleaning services will remove dirt, stains, and odors to give your furniture a fresh, new look. Say goodbye to dingy upholstery and hello to clean, comfortable seating.
Tile floors and surfaces can accumulate grime and mildew over time. Our tile cleaning services will restore your tile to its original shine and keep your home looking clean and bright.
The bathroom is one of the most used areas of the home, which means it can also be one of the dirtiest. Our bathroom cleaning services will leave your bathroom sparkling clean and germ-free.
In addition to our window cleaning services, we also offer professional window washing for exterior windows. Let us give your home's exterior a clean, polished look that will enhance your curb appeal.
For all your home cleaning needs, contact Total Home Cleaning today. Click the link at the top of the page to visit our Google Business profile to check reviews and contact us. We look forward to making your home sparkle!