After a construction project is complete, there is often a huge mess left behind. Total Home Cleaning specializes in post-construction cleanup, ensuring that your newly renovated or built property is sparkling clean and ready for occupancy. Leave the dirty work to us so you can focus on enjoying your newly completed space.
Our team is equipped to handle debris removal of all types and sizes. From leftover materials to discarded items, we will efficiently clear out all debris from your construction site, leaving it tidy and organized.
Dust and dirt can accumulate quickly during the construction process. Our expert cleaners use professional tools and techniques to eliminate all traces of dust and dirt, ensuring a clean and healthy environment for you and your family.
Dirty windows can make your property look unkempt. Total Home Cleaning offers comprehensive window washing services to make your windows shine. We pay attention to detail, ensuring that every window is crystal clear and streak-free.
Whether you have hardwood, tile, laminate, or carpeted floors, our team is skilled in providing top-notch floor care services. We will sweep, mop, vacuum, and steam clean your floors to restore their beauty and cleanliness.
Carpeted floors require special care and attention to maintain their appearance and longevity. Total Home Cleaning offers professional carpet cleaning services to remove stains, odors, and dirt from your carpets, leaving them fresh and plush.
Exterior surfaces can accumulate grime, mold, and mildew over time. Our pressure washing services can effectively remove built-up dirt and debris from your exterior walls, sidewalks, driveways, and more, restoring them to their original condition.
In today's world, disinfection is more important than ever. Total Home Cleaning provides comprehensive disinfection services to ensure that your property is thoroughly sanitized and free from harmful germs and bacteria.
Proper dusting requires attention to detail and the right tools. Our team is trained to dust every surface in your home, from ceiling fans to baseboards, to eliminate dust buildup and improve indoor air quality.
Regular vacuuming is essential for maintaining clean and healthy indoor air. Total Home Cleaning offers professional vacuuming services to remove dirt, debris, and allergens from your carpets, rugs, and upholstery, leaving them fresh and clean.
Our trash removal services are designed to make your life easier. Whether you have a small amount of trash or a large pile of debris, we will haul it away efficiently and responsibly, leaving your property clean and clutter-free.
The bathroom is one of the most used and often neglected areas of a home. Total Home Cleaning provides thorough bathroom cleaning services to remove soap scum, mold, and grime from your fixtures, floors, and surfaces, leaving your bathroom fresh and sanitary.
The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it can also be a magnet for grease, food particles, and bacteria. Our kitchen cleaning services are designed to deep clean and sanitize all surfaces, appliances, and fixtures, ensuring a safe and healthy cooking environment.
Your upholstered furniture can harbor dust, dirt, and allergens that can impact your indoor air quality. Total Home Cleaning offers professional upholstery cleaning services to remove stains, odors, and contaminants from your furniture, leaving it clean and fresh.
Grime buildup can make your property look unkempt and neglected. Our grime removal services are designed to eliminate tough stains, grease, and dirt from surfaces, restoring them to their original condition and enhancing your property's curb appeal.
Dirty appliances not only look unsightly but can also impact their functionality and lifespan. Total Home Cleaning offers appliance cleaning services to remove dirt, grease, and grime from your appliances, ensuring they work efficiently and look like new.
In addition to cleaning, our team provides thorough bathroom sanitization services to eliminate harmful bacteria and germs. We use EPA-approved disinfectants to sanitize all surfaces, fixtures, and high-touch areas in your bathroom, ensuring a safe and healthy environment.
Detail-oriented cleaning is our specialty. Total Home Cleaning offers interior detailing services to clean and polish all surfaces, fixtures, and accessories in your home, leaving every corner sparkling clean and ready for you to enjoy.
Curb appeal starts with a clean exterior. Our exterior cleaning services include pressure washing, window washing, gutter cleaning, and more to enhance the appearance of your property and make it stand out in the neighborhood.
Need to get rid of old furniture, appliances, or other bulky items? Total Home Cleaning offers hauling services to remove large and heavy items from your property, making decluttering and cleanup a breeze.
Wood furniture can lose its luster over time due to dust, dirt, and neglect. Our furniture polishing services are designed to restore the natural beauty and shine of your wood furniture, leaving it looking like new.
Regular surface disinfection is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy home. Total Home Cleaning provides surface disinfection services using hospital-grade disinfectants to kill germs and viruses on all surfaces, ensuring a safe living environment for you and your family.
Contact Total Home Cleaning today to experience the difference in our post-construction cleaning services. Visit our Google Business profile to check out our reviews and get in touch with us for a quote.